Based on the provisions of standards EN ISO 9001: 2015, 5ISO 14001: 2015 , CSR and OHSAS 45001: 2018, the organization's management hereby announces the Quality Policy, Environmental Policy and Health and Safety Policy, Social policy (IMS Policy) with the following obligations:
- We consider our suppliers and customers as partners in the effort to achieve the required quality of our products and services. We strive to meet the current and future requirements of our customers in order to increase their satisfaction.
- We maintain and develop mutually beneficial partnerships on the basis of seriousness, mutual trust and open communication.
- Our effort is to adhere to the safety program for the prevention of major accidents, to prevent damage to the health of employees of partner companies and to continue to support communication within the organization, as well as communication with administrative authorities and the public.
- Build long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with customers.
- Deliver ordered products and services within the agreed deadline and in the required quality.
- Perform transparent tenders.
- We provide products and services that meet the requirements for quality, prices, delivery dates and at the same time we try to minimize the impact of our production on the environment.
- We check and evaluate our integrated management system. For this purpose, we set measurable goals, competencies and resources. We consistently implement, maintain and improve the system according to the requirements of the standard ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 45001, CSR: 2008 throughout our organization.
- We strive for efficient use of energy and materials, we evaluate the consumption of energy media and we try increase the efficiency of our production.
- We try to prevent the generation of waste and increase the share of their use.
- We strive to prevent the overall negative impacts of production on human health and lives, the environment and property as a preventive measure.
- We actively support the introduction of new technologies that will benefit customers and our organization.
- We pay attention to compliance with legal and other provisions in the field of occupational safety and health, safety and health protection of employees is an organic part of all activities of the organization and has the highest priority.
- We create working conditions that meet the requirements for protection and safety at work and allow, provide employees with the expected performance and strengthen their awareness of responsibility for the work performed.
- We expand the qualifications of employees with regard to the future needs of the company and in accordance with changing legislation.
- We make sure that we deal with the public, local authorities, state institutions and customers and suppliers in all respects without any problems.
- We increase the level of protection of health and the working environment.
- We are increasing the level of prevention of serious accidents at all levels of management.
- We increase employees' knowledge of QMS, EMS and health and safety.
- We support the development of employees' skills to achieve a high level of quality work.
- We protect the health of employees and prevent accidents through effective prevention, as we deal with protective work aids for our employees - employees in the administration of category 1 - without protective work aids, the drivers – cat. 2 have protective shoes and gloves or a protective helm - if they are forced to supervise the unloading and arrangement of cargo.
- In the same way, all employees are trained in an emergency situation and in fire protection - according to the valid legislation of the Czech Republic
- We lead and motivate people to continuous improvement and we realize that employee satisfaction leads to increased customer satisfaction.
- When performing individual tasks, we determine the specific responsibilities of employees at all levels of management, especially for senior employees of the organization at all levels.
- The management system responds to new generally binding legislation and standards in the field of quality, environment, prevention major accidents and the protection of information systems.
- In all activities, the principles of the process approach with a focus on prevention are strengthened, which in connection with management and teamwork at all levels are the basis for improving the management system, including management quality, environmental management, occupational health and the prevention of major accidents.
- Actively cooperate with state bodies, organizations and self-government bodies that operate within the scope of the organization.
- Participate in the sponsorship of public benefit activities within the scope.
- Reduce the risks of damage to the surrounding environment.
The management of the organization undertakes
- Follow the above principles.
- Meet the requirements of laws and regulations.
- Continuously improve IMS.
For the management of RJP perfectspedition s.r.o. prepared and approved by Peter Špilák on 2.3.2021